Xth ENMESH International Conference
October 3 – 5, 2013

Verona, Italy


Deadline for submission of Oral/Poster Presentations and Symposia is 15th of May, 2013.

The Scientific Committee of the Xth ENMESH International Conference welcomes the full range of contributions to the field of mental health services research. Contributions that fit with the conference theme (“Recovery-Oriented Mental Health Services: Therapeutic, organisational and economic challenges”) and/or the four conference tracks (1 Reducing socio-economic inequalities of places, individuals and services for better patients' recovery, 2 Psychosocial interventions that promote better outcome and recovery, 3 Changing patterns of psychotropic drug interventions in mental health systems, 4 Improving communications skills for better mental health services) are particularly welcomed. All presentations should contribute to informing discussion about future directions of mental health services research, care, and training.

The official conference language will be English. All submissions should be made in English.

Oral presentation/Poster

Below you can download the abstract submission form for an oral presentation or a poster as Word document.

Submission form for oral presentation or poster [Word]


A symposium (90 minutes duration) should have between 4 and 6 speakers.
Below you can download the abstract submission form for a symposium as Word document.
Please note that only the "FORM FOR SUBMITTING SYMPOSIA" has to be submitted within the deadline (31st of March, 2013). Only for the accepted Symposia we will request the organisers to provide the Abstracts for each individual presentation.

Submission form for symposium [Word]

Please send all abstracts via email to the Scientific Committee (verona.enmesh2013@ateneo.univr.it).

If you have any questions, requests, ideas or suggestions for the conference and its scientific program, please send an email to the Scientific Committee (verona.enmesh2013@ateneo.univr.it).

We are looking forward to receiving your contributions to the Xth ENMESH International Conference and seeing you in Verona!